Domestic Violence: You're not alone; You're not immune; You're not exempt.
In the wake of news surrounding the NFL and Ray Rice, domestic violence is once again front and center in our national conversation. I encourage all of us to keep that conversation going. And if you want to be inspired to do so. I encourage you take 36 minutes and 9 seconds out of your day to listen to this particular conversation, which aired on KCRW's To The Point:
The NFL Takes a Hit: NFL Fallout and the Domestic Violence Discussion
In the meantime, here's what I want you to know about domestic violence:
"Domestic violence is one of the most chronically underreported crimes. Only one-quarter of all physical assaults, one-fifth of all rapes, and one-half of all stalkings perpetuated against females by intimate partners are reported to the police."
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
There is help. There is no shame. You're not alone.
Washington State Domestic Violence Shelter, Programs and Advocacy Services
Domestic violence is a continuum. Before you next confront a friend, a colleague, a loved-one, even a stranger, ask yourself this about the words you are about to speak: Are they true? Are they constructive? Are they necessary? If not, and you speak them anyway, you too are fueling the flames of violence.
Anger can become a habit. Conflict can become a pattern. You're not immune.
Love is Respect
For any of us to claim that we do not have any personal responsibility for domestic violence in this country is comparable to any of us claiming we do not have a personal responsibility for racism or pollution or poverty. If we're not out there actively trying to make a difference then, like it or not, we are complicit. And making a difference begins with educating ourselves on the core issues compromising the character of our nation. Domestic violence is one such issue.
Face the facts. Take a stand. You're not exempt.
Hey NFL fans: Ray Rice Isn't the problem. We are.