Mother of all Expectations
Please no more therapy
Mother take care of me
Piece me together with a
Needle and thread
Polaroids by Shawn Colvin
Of all the expectations to which we cling, to be loved and nurtured by our mother may be the most primary. Where ever we look, religion or art or poetry or songs through the ages, the point is underscored. And that's not all. Whereas father* we hold to the core obligation of creator, mother* we hold as our core protector. The paternal assignment rings time limited. The maternal never ending. And while I can think of many men I've met through the years who conscientiously fulfill both roles, I have met many women through the years going it alone. On a planet burgeoning with factions of every ilk, the guardian role is growing ever more daunting.
The mythology of mother power has echoed through the eons, but modern psychiatry dove into this fray with a vengeance. 'Mother' became a duty laden with perfectionistic ideals, and heaven help the woman who was unable to walk the narrow line. The irony is striking. In a world favoring male authority, we increasingly expected female energy to serve as our shield.
Some would try and convince me things are changing. And I long to agree. But when I continue to see images of mothers stepping in front of every conceivable weapon of human destruction in, often futile, attempts to save their children,
my heart remains unconvinced.
I do believe a solution is possible however. I do not believe our future hopeless. And so I will be bold and ask: Might we all learn to mother? Could we all step up, biological mother or no, male or female, and lead with a commitment to protect first? Could all our creations be predicated on that which we ultimately value as individuals: care, affection and safety.
I recognize how deeply naive, even corny, that may sound to you. And I accept the criticism as legitimate. But I also still believe in the potential. In our final hours, regardless of our past, I believe most of us seek a legacy of peace. And if you want to join in that effort, please take the time to explore the resource links below. Change is possible if we all pitch in.
Wishing you all Happy Mother's Day. and Collaborating Organizations
Over 85 organizations have signed on to be aligned with MomsRising. They are some of the nation’s strongest women's organizations, family advocacy groups, mother’s organizations, child advocacy groups, unions, health care organizations, parenting groups, and faith-based organizations all of which have the goal of improving the lives of mothers and families.
Top 10 Organizations that Help Single Mothers
Here is a list of organizations that can benefit single mothers and their children to lead a peaceful, decent and a healthy social life without hunger and poverty.
The Mother Dance: How Children Change Your Life
Lerner's own experience taught her the basic lessons of motherhood; that we are not in control of what happens to our children, and that this fact needn't stop us from feeling totally guilty and responsible, that matters of life and death turn on a dime, and that most of what we worry about doesn't happen (although bad things happen that we fail to anticipate). Lerner shows us how kids are the best teachers of life's most profound spiritual lessons.
* Oxford American Writer's Dictionary